Professional Golf Instruction & Lessons

The first step in professional golf instruction is very easy: a free 15-minute assessment in a relaxed environment.
In this assessment the golfer demonstrates nothing more than what he/she commonly does swinging the golf club while having conversation about favourite clubs, favourite shots, trends of ball flight, distance intervals and learning style. After this time the golfer will be warmed up and the instructor will have determined the most constructive starting point.
There are no quick fixes in swing development, although many golfers experience immediate improvement when applying proper fundamental setup principles to their golf swing. Golf requires an athletic motion and proper fundamental setup ensures that this motion isn't going to cause repetitive strain or sudden impact injuries.
Your interest a series of golf lessons will provide an opportunity to develop more confidence and knowledge of your golf swing, and understand its improvement.
Playing better golf is directly related to swinging properly with confidence.
If you would like to discuss how partnering with a member of the PGA of Canada can provide more enjoyment in your golf game, please contact us directly: 905.985.8390
Customized Private Lessons | Shawn Plain Head Professional | Brandon Ridding Associate Professional |
Coaching and Developmental Series Includes 60 minutes of initial instruction and 2 x 30 minute follow-up lessons |
$170.00 | $125.00 |
30 Minute Private Instruction | $55.00 | $45.00 |
60 Minute Private Instruction | $105.00 | $90.00 |
Junior Golf Intruction Is Available | Please call for details | Please call for details |
Private/Custom Lessons are intended for 1-2 golfers
13% HST applies to instructional rates